
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has become a popular cosmetic injectable treatment because of its ability to help repair the tissues and signs of aging by utilizing the body’s own platelet rich blood cells.

The natural aging of the skin is caused from imbalance between the rate of destruction and renewal of cells and collagen. The benefits of PRP includes improvements in the volume, texture, and tone of the facial skin and decreased appearances of wrinkles, reduce fine lines and scarring stimulating collagen and skin cell production.

PRP can be effective at rejuvenating:

The face and cheeks

Skin around the eyes




How does it work?

Topical anesthetic is applied to the are to be treated. The clinician will draw a small sample of the patient’s blood, which is spun in a centrifuge for approximately five minutes. The centrifuge separates the plasma (the liquid portion of the whole blood) from blood particles. The platelets, also called thrombocytes, are blood cells that cause blood clots and other necessary growth healing functions. Platelet activation plays a key role in the body’s natural healing process.

The platelet rich plasma (PRP) is then reinjected back into the treatment area to stimulate collagen and elastin production aiding in skin cell production.
What to expect after the treatment?

Immediately after the treatment you may experience some redness or swelling around the injection sites and potentially some mild to moderate bruising, which should subside over the following days.

Book a consultation with one of our clinicians at Kinetic Patterns for further information on the PRP cosmetic treatments
Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Dark circles around and under the eyes is a common problem. The eye area is a fragile region which may appear bluish coloration due to microcirculation disorders, sometimes associated with a darker area under the lower eyelid. The PRP treats the pigmentation by improving collagen production and blood supply in areas where it is lacking, therefore helps to lighten the skin surface like dark circles around the eyes. As skin quality improves with the PRP treatment, the thinner eyelid skin becomes healthier and thicker.



PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a natural rejuvenating method using your body’s own powerful blood and growth factors. It is an affordable and easy way to regain your hair density without surgery or harmful side effects. Blood is drawn from the patient and the platelets are centrifuged at elevated speeds to create concentrated natural growth factors.

By introducing your body’s own platelets back into your scalp, the existing tissues are effectively stimulated and strengthened which naturally regenerates hair follicles.

PRP for Hair Regrowth

  • Increases blood supply to the follicle
  • Increases shaft size (thickness)
  • Triggers and maintains the growth phase
  • Controls hair growth cycle
  • Decreases hair loss

How it works:

Platelets contain healing growth factors. Those growth factors are like “signal callers” that give instructions to your tissue to regenerate and multiply. This has led medical professionals to utilize PRP for wound healing (to speed up recovery time) and to regrow healthier, stronger tissue. Now, doctors have discovered new benefits for hair thickening and regrowth. With PRP for Hair, your own growth factors and stem cells work together to reverse miniaturization of the hair follicles and jumpstart dormant hair cells back into the growth stage.




The blood draw takes just a couple of minutes, followed immediately by the 10-minute centrifugation. The time involved for the procedure varies to the area being injected. It is usually only 15-20 mins total.



Treatment will vary based on your needs. Initially, your provider may recommend several treatments, spaced 1 month apart. After the initial treatment, many physicians suggest maintenance treatments 2-3 times per year.



The PRP solution does not usually sting or burn. There may be some sensitivity. However, most physicians utilize effective anesthetic solutions, such as cold ambient air or a topical analgesic to minimize any potential discomfort. There may be some temporary discomfort or possible redness and inflammation at the injection sites, but it resolves quickly.



There is no downtime or a long recovery process. You may take a warm shower the evening of the treatment. In addition, it is advised to avoid using any harsh dyes or chemicals on your hair for 48 hours.



Since the autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is produced from a patient’s own blood, there is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction or rejection.


Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin (iPRF) is an all-natural, non-surgical regenerative treatment that utilises the patient’s own blood platelets in order to treat fine lines and wrinkles, volume loss, photo damage, scars, pigmentation, poor texture and hair restoration.

Similar to the PRP treatment the patients’ blood is drawn and then spun in a centrifuge at low speed to obtain the Platelet Rich Fibrin. The slow spin preserves platelet integrity, which provides better results.

Mesotherapy, also known as ‘micro-needling’ is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure comprising of meticulous microinjections into the middle layer (mesoderm) of the skin using; vitamins, enzymes, hormones and plant extracts to rejuvenate the skin, as well as remove excess fat.

Mesotherapy can be used to:

  • Remove fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, legs, arms, and face
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Fade wrinkles and lines
  • Tighten loose skin
  • Recontour the body
  • Lighten pigmented skin
  • Treat alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss