
With modern technologies evolving in the preventative medical and dental world Dr. Elmajian will be implementing new effective and comprehensive procedures in his biological dental practise during routine dental hygiene appointments.
It is well known and has been documented in Dr. Elmajian’s many past newsletters that periodontal disease which is often overlooked can have far reaching health consequences such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s. Published medical literature reiterates this fact. 
The cause of periodontal disease is pathogenic microbes in the mouth such as spirochetes. 
It has been shown that laser therapy such as NDYag and EurbiumYag (different laser frequencies) have been extremely effective in eliminating pathogenic oral organisms that reside normally in the periodontal pockets surrounding each tooth in the mouth. 
It is worth noting that these pathogenic organisms can also be transmitted between family members who kiss each other and even from pets who like to lick us. It is therefore important to also keep your pet’s oral hygiene optimal. 
Above laser techniques to address periodontal disease can only be administered by trained certified dentists. 
In addition to laser therapy, ozone therapy is another effective element in eliminating pathogens. Ozone therapy has many applications in supporting health and Dr. Elmajian’s patients have already received ozone therapy treatments in many different forms. 
The new protocol going forward for addressing periodontal disease and preventing periodontal disease will involve the combination of laser therapy and ozone therapy as part of a maintenance program along with basic dental hygiene debridement and plaque/biofilm removal. 
For further protection we carry in our pharmacy oral microbiome supplements to support the growth of friendly bacteria in the mouth and to prevent periodontal disease as well as decay. 
These protocols are designed to enhance your overall systemic health encompassing cardiovascular to neurodegenerative disease as well as prevention and self-healing.

Please call Kinetic Patterns at 604-876-1150 for more information

Dr. Ara Elmajian
Proudly serving Vancouver since 1975

Kinetic Patterns Inc.
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